
Third age reforged units
Third age reforged units

third age reforged units

He sought more power and territories under Sauron's guidance. Following King Tar-Ancalimon of Numenor's coronation in 2221 of the Second Age, Sauron gained more control as the Numenoreans became more desperate. They advised that it is a dishonor to condemn the wisdom of Iluvatar by regretting their fate and hoping for another one in exchange. The Eldars, on the other hand, sought to console the Numenoreans that dying was a form of kindness from Iluvatar. The Numenoreans hated that they looked like the Eldars but did not have their immortality. They became distressed with the thought of death and jealous of the Eldars, whose ancestors had preferred immortality.

third age reforged units

Sauron knew of this insecurity and raised the fear of death among them with time. Because of this, the Numenoreans began to probe into the decisions of the Valar for their misfortune. This was all because the half-elven Elros decided to live a mortal life instead of an immortal one. They understood that despite the power and influence, they were mortals and were bound to die. They knew they had more benefits than other races of men, but they wanted more power and control. But despite being blessed, they were not content. In the Second Age, the city of Numenor flourished, and the knowledge and power of the Numenoreans grew.

Third age reforged units